15 mins
Production Stage
使用偽紀錄片形式探討時下流行的「Staycation」,如何無聲無息地影響一對年輕戀人的性生活 ,如何使性變得更甜美,又或相反地變得更苦辣。
A mockumentary that explores how the staycation trend has impacted a young couple‘s sex life, for better or for worse.

Yanny和Keith是一對30出頭的年輕戀人。為了慶祝相戀三周年,他們也跟著潮流,在一家著名的五星級酒店訂了情侶住宿套餐,希望重燃感情的慾火。相戀三年,Yanny總是覺得Keith 一直無法滿足她身心對性的那種歇斯底里的慾望和渇求。然而,Yanny並不知道Keith正徵募了酒店職員幫手,準備今晚向她求婚。
幕後的同時間,為了挽救酒店,剛晉升的酒店總經理Mandy So正示範著酒店在疫情中如何修葺一新。為了迎合這波客戶的需求趨勢,氣球裝飾預算較去年增加了三倍,情侶套房均免費提供香檳及避孕套,推銷部每周還要提交新的「staycation」主題方案。Mandy 將整個職業生涯都奉獻給了這家酒店,表面上對一切不置可否,但內心裏對「豪華愛情酒店」的新聲譽感到極為不滿。更甚的是,她還要培訓一位剛從酒店管理學院畢業,卻不停向她打眼色的下屬Anson。
Yanny and Keith are a young couple in their early 30s celebrating their third anniversary. They book a couples’ staycation package at a renowned five-star hotel, hoping to rekindle their relationship. After three years, Yanny feels sexually frustrated with Keith. Little does she know, Keith has planned a proposal with the support of the hotel staff.
Behind the scenes, recently promoted General Manager Mandy So shows us how the hotel has been forced to adapt to this trend in order to save the hotel. To accommodate their new clientele, the balloon decor budget has tripled over the past year, suites now come with complimentary champagne and condoms, and staff are required to present new staycation themes every week. Mandy, who has dedicated her entire career to this hotel, can’t settle on being proud of her initiative or resentful of their new reputation as a luxury “love hotel”. On top of that, she has to train Anson, a younger subordinate and fresh hospitality school grad, who seems a little too interested in her.
Director’s Statement
某一個星期五的晚上,我沿著尖東海濱散步,發現了一個奇怪的現象。幾乎每個面向維港的酒店房間窗戶上都掛著鋁膜氣球,上面寫著「I Love You」、「Happy Birthday」和至少一個「Marry Me?」之類的宣言。
關於現代愛情的電影這個城市從不缺乏,但絕少有從女性角度直接面對面探討它長久存在的性問題。幾十年來,這座城市的住房短缺問題一直困擾著情侶們。我們究竟可以去哪裡 (搞)?
One Friday evening walking along the Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, I looked up and noticed a peculiar phenomenon. On almost every hotel room window facing the harbour, there were metallic balloons, spelling out declarations like “I love you“, “Happy Birthday“, and at least one “Marry Me?“.
While there is no shortage of films about modern romance, few confront the issue of sex in this city head on through a female lens. The city’s housing shortage has plagued lovers for decades. Where do we go? Where can we go?
This staycation phenomenon inspired me to revisit how this issue has evolved.
The mockumentary genre is perfect for exploring dire issues with no real solution, or in this case, a band-aid one. Despite its scripted nature, Staycation finds its truth in peer research and real-life accounts. At its core, it is a reflection of how attitudes and accessibility towards sex have changed, paralleling two generations of women in Hong Kong.
Total Budget
US $32,905

Kristie KO
⾼思約,畢業於南加州⼤學電影製作系。曾擔任《Expats》劇本編輯以及《王冠》導演助理。編導作品《Ateh》於鮮浪潮國際短⽚節及⾼雄電影節上映。早前短⽚《羅省冬天不下雪》及《Red Hot Frog》分別於⾹港藝術館電影節及NFFTY上映。
Based in Hong Kong, Kristie KO is a writer and director interested in telling character driven stories. A USC graduate, she has worked as a script coordinator on Expats and director’s assistant on The Crown. Her short, Ateh, has screened at the Fresh Wave International Film Festival and Kaohsiung Film Festival. Previous shorts Anchor Baby and Red Hot Frog have screened at the HK Arthouse Film Festival and NFFTY.

Jaime LAM
Jaime LAM is a producer interested in exploring how dialogue reflects our histories, identities and ambitions. After majoring in Film Studies at UC Davis, Jaime worked in the Hong Kong film industry as a director’s assistant to Roy CHOW, in development for screenwriter and producer TO Chi-long, and most recently as a translator on Expats (Amazon). During lockdown, she can be found streaming Netflix with her cats.

Natalie A. CHAO
趙芷妮,⾹港⼟⽣⼟長的電影⼈及攝影師。畢業於南加州⼤學電影製作系,Sundance Ignite x Adobe 研究⽣。紀錄短⽚《To Know Her》於 Sundance 電影節⾸映。時間與空間的母題不斷穿插在她的作品內,透過女性凝視探索著現實與詩意影像之間的間隔。
Natalie A. CHAO is a filmmaker and cinematographer who is a USC Film Production graduate and Sundance Ignite x Adobe Fellow. Born and based in Hong Kong, she is interested in stories that bridge the gap between realism and poetry. Her documentary short, To Know Her, premiered at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival. Her work-in-progress has pitched at the Sheffield Meet-market, Sundance Producers Summit and IDFA Forum.