Pitching Workshop – Mock Pitch
提案工作坊 – 模擬提案日

提案工作坊 – 模擬提案日


指導陣容:潘卓賢(HKIFF Industry 電影業辦公室項目經理)、陳芷琪(獨立製片人、觀衆策略師


Pitching Workshop – Mock Pitch

Date: 11th-12th December, 2021

Advisors: Mathew POON (HKIFF Industry Project Manager), Catherine CHAN (Independent Producer, Audience Designer)

We believe in hands-on experiences rather than sheer idle theorising. For the 12 film projects in the programme, a two-day workshop of mock pitch was organised to invite industry guests to provide professional advice and suggestions on the participants’ performance. Each project was given half an hour to practice and collect feedback.