acting class




Documentary + Drama



90 mins


Production Stage





時局使然,男導演放下鏡頭,報讀acting class,尋覓take2人生。一群努力面對自我的學員,全情投入acting,自以為終於得救,冷不防遇上Me2風波……

A desperate male director seeks a new life by enrolling in an acting class where students seem eager and hopeful, only to meet the MeToo movement…



國安法下,紀錄片成敏感詞,三⼗⽽立的男導演為求出路,⼀心轉行拍劇情片。男導演想仿效濱⼝龍介創作⽅式,經友人推介,參加了acting class,學習指導演員的技巧……男導演意外地喚醒了「演戲魂」 –  他一方面要直⾯自⼰真實的慾望,同時間又要處理這種情感的釋放,為現實生活帶來的衝擊……

Acting class的學員,男女老少都有:賣保險、售貨員、表演者…… 每個人也帶著對acting的熱誠,在class上尋找自己想要的。男導演上癮似的上課,遇上了另一個老是常出現、彷彿很有故事的女同學。他倆均被對方的acting打動,在class前class後,一起分析劇本、練對手戲…… 

Documentaries become too sensitive under the National Security Law. A male director in his thirties wants to try his luck in shooting dramas instead. He enrols in an acting class in order to learn some techniques in directing actors in which his calling for acting is awakened unexpectedly. Students in the acting class come from all walks of life. All of them have a passion for acting. The male director gets acquainted with a female classmate who seems to have a story of her own. Tension and attraction build up between them when analysing scripts and practicing together before and after classes. However, both of them have unresolved love affairs. Their relationship does not go any further. Just when the rehearsal of the performance is in full swing, a scandal that “the acting teaching has sexually harassed a female student” suddenly breaks out. Everybody is taken aback.


Director’s Statement

2021年是我拍片生涯的第十年 – 從廿出頭的學生,到卅字頭的大叔,人生有兩次轉捩點:一是八年前報了紀錄片,認識了一班好同學、好老師,從此正式入行,拍片謀生。二是最近因貪玩而上,差點樂而忘返的acting class…… 有趣的是,兩次轉捩點,都跟Me2這類性騷擾有關。我身為一個男人,接二連三遇上這種事,也難免會問自己:到底是不是「全天下男人都會犯這一種錯」呢?近年受友人影響愛上洪尚秀和濱口龍介的我,很想以自己的作品,延續他們對於微妙的人際關係、細密的情感表達、多重想像的戲劇感等等的藝術探索。

2021 marks the 10th anniversary of my career in movies. I had two turning points in this profession. The first one happened eight years ago, when I enrolled in a course about documentaries and officially joined the profession after the course. The second turning point happened recently when I enrolled in an acting class just for fun. The class turned out to be much fun. What is interesting is that both turning points had something to do with sexual harassments like the MeToo movement. As a man who has witnessed this kind of event repeatedly, I start to wonder if all men make the same mistake? Influenced by HONG Sang-soo and Ryusuke Hamaguchi, I want to explore these subtle interpersonal relationships, delicate expressions of emotions and multiple imaginations artistically.


Total Budget

US $78,000




LEE Wai Shing

李偉盛,獨立電影人,專注紀錄片、實驗片創作。2011年畢業於香港知專設計學院。2014年至2020年間,他的短片先後三度入圍台灣南方影展。2019 年,《團團圓》獲得第24屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽金獎(公開組)。

LEE Wai Shing is an independent filmmaker from Hong Kong and graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in 2011. His short films were selected for the South Taiwan Film Festival three times between 2014 and 2020. His documentary work Family Family Day won the Gold Award (Open Category) in the 24th ifva Awards in Hong Kong in 2019.




YAM Yin Cheung, Peter


Peter YAM is a Hong-Kong-based independent film producer. His producing works include The Sunny Side of the Street (2022 forthcoming) directed by Ray LAU, My Silly Flirty Boy (2020) directed by Frankie SIN, Lost Course (2019) directed by Jill LI, Lost in the Fumes directed by Nora LAM, Blue Island (2022) and Yellowing (2016) directed by CHAN Tze Woon.


Drama Director


CHEUNG Lee Hung, Holmes


Born in Hong Kong, graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in Advertising Design, Holmes CHEUNG is a freelance actor, dancer, choreographer and graphic designer. Exploring theatre, dance and movement with the perspectives from both a designer and a performer, Cheung has actively participated in and carried out a wide variety of theatre performances and experimental creations.

影像單位 / 製作公司

Film Unit / Production Company


70 Plus Production Company Limited