CHAN is an independent producer and audience designer for films by five filmmakers from Hong Kong. She received training from EURODOC, Torino Film Lab and CEE Animation Workshop, and won multiple awards with her teams at international pitching forums. She holds a bachelor degree in Journalism from The University of Hong Kong and an Erasmus Mundus joint master degree in Media Arts Cultures. Based in Denmark, she is developing a start-up idea in audience engagement and privacy data protection, supporting documentary film productions from story development to distribution.
陳芷琪是香港土生土長的獨立紀錄片監製及觀眾策略師,她正協助五位香港導演製作紀錄片,曾參與意大利都靈電影工作室(Torino Film Lab)的觀眾策略師培訓、歐洲紀錄片監製培訓計劃(EURODOC)及中東歐動畫工作坊(CEE Animation Workshop),並與團隊在多個國際提案大會中獲獎。現時她在丹麥發展其初創計劃,建立以觀眾個人私隱為先的平台,支援受傳統架構限制的紀錄片集資及發行。
Catherine CHAN 陳芷琪
Hong Kong