Jacqueline LIU is a Hong Kong-based film producer for independent and commercial film, including: Vital Sign (2023); Warriors of Future (2022) ; The Way We Keep Dancing (2020); Keep Rolling (2020); The Secret Diary of A Mom-to-be (2019); Tracey (2018); Men on the Dragon (2018); Sisterhood (2016); Sky on Fire (2016); K (2015); Wild City (2015); The Great War (2013); Merry go Round (2010); Soundless Wind Chime (2009)—Teddy Award nominee of the 59th Berlin Film Festival; Plastic City (2008)—Special Screening at the 65th Venice Film Festival; August Story (2006)—Best Film at Tainan Film Festival; Butterfly (2004)—Opening Film of International Critics’ Week of the Venice Film Festival.
廖婉虹是一位香港電影監製,參與電影包括:香港國際電影節閉幕電影《送院途中》; 香港首部科幻片《明日戰記》; 台灣金馬獎作品《狂舞派3》及《好好拍電影》;另有《Baby復仇記》;《翠絲》;《逆流大叔》;《骨妹》。亦監製香港動作片傳奇林嶺東電影《沖天火》及《迷城》;香港亞洲電影節閉幕電影《東風破》;柏林影展參展作品《無聲風鈴》; 威尼斯影展參展作品《蕩寇》;台南電影節最佳電影《八月的故事》及威尼斯影展影評人雙周開幕電影《蝴蝶》等等。
Jacqueline LIU 廖婉虹
Hong Kong