Dr. Mary Shuk-Han WONG is associate professor of Chinese Department at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. She has published widely on film and literature. She is the author of the books Feminine Writing: Cinema, Literature and Everyday Live and Hong Kong Cinema: Writer, literature and cinema. Major edited books include Hong Kong: The 1960s, “Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s series” (6 volumes) (2013), Hong Kong Literature and Cinema (co-ed), Liu Yichang and Hong Kong Modernism (co-ed) and Hong Kong Film and Literature Filmography etc.. She was the literary advisor and co-producer of Liu Yi-chang – 1918 and Ye Si – Boundary from “The Inspired Islands” documentary film series.
黃淑嫻,作家、 現任嶺南大學中文系副教授。出版散文集《理性的游藝:從卡夫卡談起》、《亂世破讀》及《悲傷的日子如何過》; 短篇小說集《中環人》。 個人學術專著有《女性書寫:電影、文學與生活》及《香港影像書寫:作家、文學與電影》。曾主編《香港.一九六O年代》、「一九五O年代香港文學與文化叢書」六冊 (2013)、《劉以鬯與香港現代主義》(合編)、《香港文學與電影》(合編)等。曾任「他們在島嶼寫作」紀錄片系列之《1918:劉以鬯》及《東西:也斯》的文學顧問及聯合監製。
Mary Shuk Han WONG 黃淑嫻
Hong Kong