Shelly Kraicer was born in Toronto, Canada, and received a BA in philosophy at Yale University. He lived in Beijing, China for eleven years, where he studied Chinese language and researched and wrote about the Chinese language cinemas of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He has curated retrospectives on the Fourth Generation of Chinese directors, on Hong Kong art cinema, and career retrospectives of Johnnie To and Qiu Jiongjiong. In 2015 co-organized Cinema on the Edge, an international touring series of contemporary independent Chinese films. He has published in Cinema Scope, Cineaste, Screendaily, the Village Voice, and the New York Times, and has translated subtitles for over 40 recent Chinese films. He is currently a programmer at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

Shelly KRAICER生於加拿大多倫多,畢業於耶魯大學並取得哲學學士學位。他曾於北京生活 11年,學習中文並研究和撰寫關於兩岸三地的華語電影。他曾策劃中國第四代導演的回顧展、香港藝術電影展覽,以及杜琪峰和邱烔烔的回顧展。2015 年,他與友人共同創辦了「邊緣影像」,策劃中國當代獨立電影的國際巡展。他曾在《Cinema Scope》、 《Cineaste》、《Screendaily》、《Village Voice》和《紐約時報》發表文章,並為40多部近年的中國電影翻譯字幕。他目前為鹿特丹國際影展的選片人。


