TENG Chao-Ming graduated from the Media Arts and Sciences program at MIT and currently works as the Director of Giloo Inc., a new online streaming and distribution platform focusing on documentaries and experimental films. TENG is also an active visual artist in the international contemporary art world. He has been invited to show at institutions and biennials around the world, and is completing his latest public art commission for STOA169 foundation (Germany).
畢業於台大電機資訊學院與麻省理工學院,現任 Giloo 紀實影音總監,致力為紀實影像與獨立電影透過網路與數位平台,打開更寬廣的發行與欣賞管道。鄧兆旻同時活躍於當代藝術領域,長期於各地重要藝術機構及雙年展展出作品,以及獲邀至北極圈藝術與科技計畫、香港 Para Site 中心與法國 Villa Arson 等機構擔任駐村藝術家。最近即將完成德國 STOA169 基金會邀請製作之公共藝術作品。
TENG Chao-Ming 鄧兆旻