Confession | 告白

Docu-Drama 紀錄劇情


Production Stage
Work-In-Progress 製作中

Total Budget
US$ 86,631

Goal 參與目標
Script Refining, Funds, Co-producer, Production Team 

Logline 故事摘要
Inspired by #MeToo, a director attempts to tell both sides of a story: the female victim’s side/truth and the male instigator’s perspective.

Synopsis 故事大綱
As freedom of speech is suppressed, a documentary director takes an acting class, hoping to follow in the footsteps of Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI’s feature films using amateur actors. He finds release for his repressed emotions, but when a #MeToo accusation between tutor and student leads to the class’s termination, he decided to start anew, reflecting on his creative journey and life experiences of the past 10 years. Organising a novel adaptation and impromptu workshop promoting gender equality, the director finds promise and adapts the #MeToo incident in a film titled Confession from the female perspective. However, the film company cancels the night before production after receiving an anonymous #MeToo accusation against the director, stemming from a previous incident.

言論自由收窄,紀錄片遭打壓,落魄導演想轉行,經劇場朋友介紹,開始上acting class,希望效法濱口龍介的素人劇情片創作。他如痴如醉地上acting class自覺人生有新轉機。但acting class卻爆出師生戀和#MeToo投訴,被逼中止課堂。
導演決定另起爐灶,反芻過去10年創作經驗,自辦acting workshop,並以「性別平權」為主題,助人自助。Workshop廣受歡迎,導演雄心壯志想改編當年#MeToo事件為電影,正當他努力撰寫「被害女生」的故事,準備好拍攝前的一切…… 正要開拍《告白》前一晚,卻被電影公司即時解約——因為一個匿名投訴,指責導演有#MeToo前科。


Director’s Statement 導演闡述
As a student who witnessed the #MeToo turmoil, I experienced the aftereffects when multiple students revealed being harassed. The tutor, who was once highly respected for teaching not only acting but also how to be a better person, fell from grace due to the incident. What stood out to me the most during the entire process was witnessing how my classmates worked together to handle the crisis. They made great efforts to correct past mistakes and prevent them from happening again, leaving an unforgettable impression on me.

當年acting class爆出師生戀,受騷擾者不只1人…… 我作為acting class學員,那樣親歷其境,目擊這場##MeToo風波,內心衝擊很大—— 曾經廣受尊重,一手教我acting、教我做人的好老師,一下子扔下神壇…… 萬劫不復。整個過程中,讓我最難忘的是同學們危機處理,如何努力地一起修正過去的錯失,避免重蹈覆轍。

Director 導演

LEE Wai Shing 李偉盛
A Hong Kong independent filmmaker, LEE graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in 2011 and began producing his own independent film projects. His first film was selected for the South Taiwan Film Festival in 2014. His documentary film Family Family Day, which was made with the support of the Hong Kong Documentary Initiative Seed Grants, won the Gold Award in the Open Category at the 24th ifva Awards. 


Producer 監製

Peter YAM (Yin Cheung) 任硯聰
Peter YAM (Yin Cheung) is a Hong Kong film producer and member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.



Drama Director 戲劇指導

CHEUNG Lee Hung, Holmes 張利雄
Born in Hong Kong and a graduate of the Hong Kong Design Institute in Advertising Design, CHEUNG is a freelance actor, dancer, choreographer and graphic designer. With a unique perspective as both a designer and a performer, Cheung actively participates in and creates a wide variety of theatre performances and experimental projects, exploring the intersections of theatre, dance, and movement.


Film Unit / Production Company 影像單位 / 製作公司
70 Plus Production Company Limited 七十志製作公司
Based in Hong Kong, our aim is to fundraise and produce feature films, series and documentaries for a Pan-Asian audience.
