DigiCon6 ASIA 大賞

DigiCon6 ASIA 大賞


DigiCon6 ASIA 大賞由TBS控股創辦,是亞洲區內一項卓越的動畫短片創作比賽,在亞洲區內認受性極高。藉由大賞,希望更多由潛力的動畫創作人有更多被看見和發展的機會,幫助亞洲動畫市場的發展。

The DigiCon6 ASIA Awards is a contest organized and held by TBS HOLDINGS, INC. throughout the Asian countries and territories including Japan. It aims to seek and recognise talented video creators, support to expand video creators’ creative ground, and contribute to the development of the content business market in Asia.

詳情 Details:https://www.tbs.co.jp/digicon/en/