Drama 劇情
Production Stage
In-Development 發展中
Total Budget
US$ 753,350
Goal 參與目標
Script Refining, Funds, Co-producer
Logline 故事摘要
Ever since Martha was pregnant, Steven has been experiencing unusual discomfort. As they search for their long-lost cousin, they uncover something sinister about their family…

Synopsis 故事大綱
Martha and Steven, who were twins, had a close bond with Steven always looking after Martha. However, Martha is now getting married and planning to move to Britain with her husband Brad. Unfortunately, her grandmother’s passing and subsequent appointment as the probate executor to locate her long-lost cousin delayed her plans. During her search, Martha discovers something unusual in her family’s history.
As Martha’s pregnancy progresses, Steven’s health declines, and it seems to be linked to her unborn baby. To find solace, he develops a relationship with Martha’s friend Clara, who holds a position as the minister of education. Despite facing backlash for her education reform, Clara remains indifferent and prioritizes her recently invested brain implant company. Martha starts to have doubts about Clara’s intentions, suspecting that she may be involved in their family’s mysterious past.
盈和文是雙胞胎,他一直以來都是以盈為中心,直到盈即將嫁給未婚夫Brad,並計劃與他移民 到英國,文才醒覺自己要尋找自我的意義。婆婆在盈婚禮後去世,遺囑𥚃盈作為執行人需要尋 找失散已久的表親。過程中,盈發現了家族歷史中的一些詭異現象。
自從盈懷孕以來,文的健康狀況一直惡化,並且似乎與盈肚中的嬰兒有關。他開始與盈的朋友希交往。希是教育局局長,儘管她的教育改革引起強烈批評,希仍然漠不關心,把她的精力放 在剛注資的腦植入晶片公司。與此同時,盈懷疑希可能與他們家族詭異的過去有關。
Director’s Statement 導演闡述
About a year ago, my grandmother, who was in her 90s, started to have a recurring dream about meeting her parents. She saw this as a sign of her soon departure and urged us to come to visit her more often. Meanwhile, my relatives and friends are starting to emigrate to other countries. The gatherings that I used to take for granted have now become increasingly precious. Reminiscing about the fragmented past brings rapturous joy and painful longing, and indulging in the never-ending shivering of stories is a way to cope with it all.
大半年前開始,九十多歲的嬤嬤不斷夢到自己父母。她訴說道自己年事已近,他們的出現是為 了「帶」她離開。與此同時,我有不少親戚亦預告將離開香港。從小我與親戚們每星期見面相眾 ,大家關係親密,自然視他們每次我出現理所當然。當理所當然有了一個期限,便不再理所當 然;得知限期後始珍惜,是無力也是當下唯一可為。
Director 導演

NG Ka Wai 吳家偉
Benson NG is a director, writer and editor with a background in philosophy. He was selected twice for the 13th & 15th Fresh Wave competition. His film Immer has been selected as a semi-finalist at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival, an Academy award-qualified festival.
吳家偉畢業於是中文大學哲學碩士。入圍第13屆和第15屆鮮浪潮國際短片節。短片《Immer》 入圍羅德島國際電影節。
Composer 配樂

Christopher LAI 黎鳴朗
Christopher LAI is a film composer who scored multiple award-winning short films by emerging directors in Hong Kong. In the recent 16th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, Christopher composed the score for Simon Says, Simon Says, which was awarded the Fresh Wave Award and award for Best Screenplay.
黎鳴朗曾為多部獲獎短片配樂。在第16屆Fresh Wave國際短片節上,他配樂的電影《呼~》獲 得了鮮浪潮大獎和最佳劇本獎。