Congratulations to the two proposals selected by ‘Jumping Frames 2023’ commission film fund: “In Your Shoes” to be co-directed by Florence Lam and Chan Tze-woon, and “Floral Princess: An untold suicide of the last Ming emperor” to be directed by Kitty Yeung, in collaboration with Jason Kong as Cantonese Opera Creator. The two film productions will be co-commissioned and co-funded by CCDC and RFHK, and presented in ‘Jumping Frames 2023’.
Launching an open call for commissioned work for the first time this year, ‘Jumping Frames’ received 23 proposals. The juries remarked on the two selected proposals that both articulated thematic co-relation with the use of “Re-enactment” as an intervention or necessary tool as an exposition to their film contents, while the clarity of the proposal, the artistic practice, the execution plan and its proposed creative process with sound budget are also considered.
Looking forward to ‘Jumping Frames 2023’ in coming September! Stayed tuned for more about the Festival!
Launching an open call for commissioned work for the first time this year, ‘Jumping Frames’ received 23 proposals. The juries remarked on the two selected proposals that both articulated thematic co-relation with the use of “Re-enactment” as an intervention or necessary tool as an exposition to their film contents, while the clarity of the proposal, the artistic practice, the execution plan and its proposed creative process with sound budget are also considered.
Looking forward to ‘Jumping Frames 2023’ in coming September! Stayed tuned for more about the Festival!
由評審團隊選出的兩個項目分別為Florence Lam、陳梓桓聯合執導的《In Your Shoes》,以及楊適榕執導、江駿傑擔任戲曲創作人的《Floral Princess: An untold suicide of the last Ming emperor》,恭喜兩個獲選團隊!兩個項目的製作將由 CCDC 城市當代舞蹈團 「跳格 — 香港國際舞蹈影像節」及 文藝復興 RFHK 「奪目影像」共同委約並資助,作品將於「跳格2023」公開首映。
期待兩部作品在今年9 月於「跳格2023」與觀眾見面。記得密切留意「跳格」及城市當代舞蹈團稍後公布的更多節目詳情!
期待兩部作品在今年9 月於「跳格2023」與觀眾見面。記得密切留意「跳格」及城市當代舞蹈團稍後公布的更多節目詳情!