Music x Visual Workshop
Date: 18th September, 2021
Mentors: Maggie LEUNG (MV Director), Sheng WONG (MV Director)
In Music x Visual Workshop, mentors firstly shared the ways songs could express stories and even imply further symbolic meanings.
Participants were divided into groups to select songs and discuss their ideas for the creation of the music video before the workshop. 5 groups of participants presented their creative ideas in the workshop and received feedback from mentors. Filming and editing were done within the day at the camp, hoping to explore the many possibilities of visual language in a limited amount of time.
音樂 x 影像工作坊
創意導師:Maggie Leung(音樂錄像導演)、Sheng Wong(音樂錄像導演)
在音樂 x 影像⼯作坊裡,導師先與同學員分享影像如何傳遞歌曲中的故事,甚至賦予其更深意味。
作為練習,學員已提前分組抽取歌曲,並討論 MV 創作思路。導師的分享結束後,學員逐組展示自己的創作思路,並由兩位導演分別提出相應建議。接著,學員分頭試拍,兩名導師再現場針對學員遇到的問題給予指導。工作坊以啟發創意為主,在有限的時間裡,探索視覺語言的多種可能。