Self-Producing Workshop 1
出品與發行工作坊 1

Date: 26th November, 2022

Mentor: Winnie Tsang

@Incubation 2022

Winnie Tsang, managing director of the Golden Scene Company Ltd., answered the audience’s questions about the difficulties in finding producers and distributors on the first day of the self-production workshop.

With the examples of Golden Scene’s four gems: My Prince Edward, Suk Suk, Beyond the Dream, and Bamboo Theatre, as well as the more recent Far Far Away, The Sunny Side of the Street, The Narrow Road, and To My Nineteen Year Old Self, Tsang shared the ups and downs in attracting investments and nominations for film festivals. Although the selection and the shooting of films might reflect personal tastes, each film has its own fate. We could only minimise the adverse effects we cannot control and hope the audience would notice and like those selected.



@廠牌計劃 2022


從之前的高先4寶 (《金都》、《叔・叔》、《幻愛》、《戲棚》),到今年幾部高先發行的電影(《緣路山旮旯》、《白日青春》、《窄路微塵》、《給十九歲的我》),Winnie分享了不少從尋找投資開拍,到報名不同影展很多時都是一波多折的過程。雖然選片與拍片一樣可以是很個人的口味選擇,但到了最後其實每種片都有他們自己的命運,唯有盡力撇除其他不可控制的因素去做,令觀眾留意到、喜歡這些電影。