Storytelling Workshop 1
故事發展工作坊 1

Date: 5th August, 2022

Mentor: Cheuk Cheung, Eylsa Wendi 

@Incubation 2022

In the storytelling workshop of the first phase of the Incubation Program, we invited Cheuk Cheung (director) and Elysa Wendi (founder of Jumping Frames) to share their own works, have one-on-one consultations on shortlisted documentaries and experimental works, and discuss the difficulties in our creative processes.

The workshop showed the two speakers’ works: I Wish, Someday I Will Become a Rock, and 1958 Delivery. The discussions were focused on the use of lens, sound, and editing. I Wish was a public art project commissioned by Lamma Mia. Cheuk spoke on his insistences and compromises. The Tin Hau Temple at Sok Kwu Wan, from which one can see the sea, was brought to contrast the Tin Hau Temple inside the city. Showing them both in the film means a relatively thorough representation of how people see faith and their mode of behavior. The nineteen-minute Someday I Will Become a Rock, co-produced by Cheuk Cheung and Elysa Wendi, summarizes their explorations and discussions of a whole year. The background stories and the exchange of identity between the two characters are narrated by a Korean dancer. The inspiration for 1958 Delivery came from the image of a funeral wreath in a photograph. The story advances along with the song, guiding the soul away. Art Form, Category, and Label are combined to tell the story, which does not necessitate a definition.



@廠牌計劃 2022

廠牌計劃第一階段的故事發展工作坊,請來了導演卓翔以及「跳格」策展人葉奕蕾(Elysa Wendi),他們在梳理、分享自己作品同時,亦一對一解構紀實 、實驗類型的入圍影像計劃,解答大家在創作上遇到的各種疑難。

工作坊分別放映了兩位導師合共3部作品:《風調雨順》、《一棵樹》以及《慢遞1958》,圍繞鏡頭、聲音、剪接的運用作討論。作為「南丫説:」公共藝術計劃委約的作品,阿卓提及創作《風調雨順》時的堅持與取捨:索罟灣見得到海的天后廟,對比市區入面的天后廟;將兩邊的拍攝都剪入作品,能夠比較完整地陳述人對信仰的看法和行為模式。《一棵樹》是兩位導師共同創作的作品,雖然只有短短19分鐘,卻是由一年以上的探索與討論總結得來,藉由韓裔舞者,述說兩人的背景故事和身分的轉換。而《慢遞1958》的念頭源自於一張相入面的花牌,故事隨著歌曲發展,引領靈魂的離開。講故事的方式,可遊走於Art Form、Category、Label之間,有時候或許毋需刻意去下定義。