Incubation Programme 23/24- Why Indie? The Role of an Independent Producer
孵化計劃23/24- Why Indie? 獨立監製的為與不為回顧

Eye Catcher Incubation Programme 2023/24

Date: 6 January, 2024 (Sat)
Hillian Siu | Line Producer
Dora Choi | Director & Producer

Unknowingly, we hit the halfway mark of Eye Catcher Incubation Programme 2023/24. For the 1st workshop in 2024, we had 2 local independent filmmakers and producers Dora Choi and Hillian Siu, to share their experiences of working on different projects in recent years.

Dora Choi has been working as a writer-director in mainstream media for more than 10 years, producing and planning various documentaries, reality shows and talk shows. During her work, she collaborated with different producers, enabling her to observe and learn more about her role: to judge whether the angle of the project went into sufficient depth, and to have a degree of flexibility to respect the director’s vision without imposing one’s own opinions.

Discussing the documentary To Be Continued, Dora shared that the team spent 5 to 7 years on research including surveys and data collection – with the central question “How do we make this entertainment tycoon resonate with people who are not familiar with him?” at the core of their research. Through countless conversations and interviews, re-reading and analysing transcripts, not only did the team tell the story of the life of the founder of the State Theatre, Mr. Harry Odell, but also portrayed the local community and spirit of the times.

Hillian Siu, on the other hand, has worked as a line producer on a number of moving image projects in Hong Kong and abroad, while also developing her first feature film Across Troubled Waters. On the role of a line producer, Hillian remarked that it is a position where you get to work with filmmakers across different cultural backgrounds, and a role which has given her a lot of skills and experience in planning, communication and practice. Siu talked about listening to and negotiating with the production team on set to understand the rules of shooting, the diligent budgeting, day-to-day organisation and management to make up for contingencies or overruns… Hillian’s participation in independent production over the past few years has led her to find her own role, simultaneously finding ways to assist other filmmakers.

At the end of the sharing, when asked how a new director might find a producer that suits their work practices, both speakers brought up the same point, to first look at the director’s vision: do they want the producer to take up the role of a comrade-in-arms for the project, or is the producer better suited as a strategist or confidant? After all was said, they reassured all creatives in the audience that feeling lost is almost like a must in the creative process. You can give yourself a short break, but even if you are lost, don’t be lazy, force yourself to keep writing and editing; only when you work through the painful parts of the process can you take the next step forward.


Hillian SIU|獨立製作人(Line Producer)

第三屆孵化計劃不知不覺經已過了一半,進入2024年第一個工作坊,首先邀請到兩位本地獨立影像人、監製、製作人徐岱靈(Dora)及Hillian SIU,與學員們分享她們近年參與不同項目的經驗。



而Hillian近年則以獨立製作人(Line Producer)的身分,協力不少外地來港影像項目的製作,同步也發展著自己的首部劇情長片《潮起潮落》(Across Troubled Waters)。這個崗位加上與不同文化背景的影像人合作,給予她不少策劃、溝通及實踐的技巧和經驗。從拍攝現場與團隊來回的聆聽和交涉,了解不同地方拍攝的規則;到線下要如何準確地掌握預算,透過每天的整理,拉補超支的部分去避免預算不足等等較微觀的管理⋯⋯在這幾年參與獨立製作的經驗中,她也逐漸找到自己的定位,同時協助同行其他影像人的方式。
