The world is getting more incredulous by the day, both at home and afar. As Samuel wrote in our program preface, we are living in a period of prolonged pain, and this pain has inspired a lot of the creativity we will see today.
I personally find a lot of my solace in the arts, especially in these difficult times. Creative works channel emotions of the collective ”us”, and also help my individual ”me” express what I’m feeling. They tell stories of the past, capture the sentiment of the present, and form an emotional archive for the future.
While we may feel our current pain is mostly senseless, I think one of the few things we can do is to give it a voice and a face. I’m so proud of all the new talent we have met through Eye Catcher, who are going to give us new voices and faces to our pain, and our times, through their work in moving images.
I’d like to thank our jury members who have taken their precious time out to support us. It is through this kind of alliance and network that new creative work gets constructive feedback and gains critical visibility. The support and affirmation our awards provide are greatly amplified by the input from our jury, who are all leaders in the moving image ecology.
While we may remain physically apart, thank you for being with us in spirit, and in zoom. Looking forward to an inspiring afternoon with you all.
Cherry CHAN
Chairperson – Renaissance Foundation
5th March 2022