Ruby YANG is a noted Chinese American filmmaker whose work in documentary and dramatic film has earned her wide recognition, including an Academy Award, two Academy nominations, Emmy nominations, and numerous other international awards.

Currently based in Hong Kong, YANG is deeply involved in directing and producing documentary films. She founded the Hong Kong Documentary Initiative aiming to nurture the next generation of documentary filmmakers in the region. She has been teaching master-level documentary courses for students in the HKU Journalism & Media program since 2013 and will take over as the interim director of the program from July 1, 2023.

楊紫燁是美籍華裔電影工作者,作品曾獲第79屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片獎、第83屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片獎提名及多個國際獎項,2011年當選奧斯卡金像獎評委。楊紫燁現居香港,從事紀錄片拍攝與教學,她成立 「香港紀錄片拓展計劃」,指導並培育新一代的紀錄片工作者。她並將於2023年7月1日接任香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心的臨時總監。

Ruby YANG 楊紫燁
