Project Development

Project Development

Date: 26th – 28th November 2021

Advisors (in no particular order): Ellen PAU, Elysa WENDI, MA Chi Hang, Teresa KWONG, Didi WU, Gipsy CHANG, Peter YAM, Jill LI, CHAN Tsz Woon, CHEUK Cheung, etc.

Moderators: TSANG Hing Weng, Eric (Director, Eye Catcher Creative Director), Samuel CHAI Ziwen (Producer, Eye Catcher Director General)

@ Incubation Programme

The workshop brought together 11 directors, producers and industry guests for 3 days to give professional advice to the 12 film projects. The form of the workshop varied according to the needs of each project which would target topics including but not limited to the concept of the script, story development, narrative style, team building, financing strategy, promotion and distribution, impact distribution, etc. 

The workshop aimed to broaden the directors’ horizons, gather ideas for their film projects and invite guests to brainstorm and tackle the difficulties they encountered. Each film project was discussed for one and a half hours, and in addition to the guests, members of other projects also participated in the discussion to explore the possibilities of visual narrative.






「影像項目拓展」邀請11位業界導演、監製、後製等嘉賓,齊聚3日,為入圍「奪目影像廠牌計劃2021」專業組之12個影像項目逐一解畫。活動內容根據每個影像項目的需求而變化,涉及:劇本構思、故事發展、敘事手法、團隊搭建、融資策略、推廣發行、影響力發行(Impact Distribution)⋯⋯等方面。
