Eye Catcher Global

About Eye Catcher Global

Originated from Hong Kong, the Eye Catcher Global (ECG) aims to bring together the creative and production communities of the Asian and international independent filmmaking industry. Embracing the spirit of self-producing and entrepreneurship, it attempts to create an exclusive international platform for connection, exchange and collaboration so that independent filmmakers may go further for longer. Through a series of events, the ECG aspires to incubate and promote more independent films with unique visions, strong personal styles, and a wide variety of genres. It not only helps filmmakers obtain funding, awards and opportunities, but also introduces and facilitates the exchanges of experience and networks of international peers. The Eye Catcher Global usually held in June, programmes are:

  • International Pitching Forum
  • Industry Screening
  • Industry Forum
  • Eye Catcher Showcase
  • Filmmakers@HK in Focus

Eye Catcher Global (ECG) 以香港為出發點,旨在連結亞洲及國際獨立影像製作和產業社群,致力發掘及催生更多擁有自主製作及初創精神,且別具視野和作者風的影像作品,並助力打造交流、連結及合作的專屬國際平台,讓創作者能夠走得更遠、更久。透過一系列活動,孵化和推廣更多劇情、紀實、實驗、動畫或混合等類型的獨立影像作品。不僅讓影像創作人獲得資金、獎項或機會,也引介國際同行之經驗與網絡。Eye Catcher Global 於今年6月舉行,主要內容包括:

  • 國際提案大會
  • 產業放映
  • 產業論壇
  • 奪目展映
  • 奪目有請:香港焦點影人分享

International Pitching Forum

Groups of participants shortlisted in the Eye Catcher International Pitching Forum had 15 minutes each to pitch their projects regardless of the format for awards and funding. The Pitching Forum also invites international guests from the film industry as jury members, and a one-on-one meeting is arranged between participants and guests. 


Shortlisted Film Projects from Previous Years 歷屆入圍項目

Eye Catcher Showcase

The Showcases will be co-curated by international industry representatives and local curators, featuring screenings and post-screening discussions of selected independent films from around the world. It aims to foster dialogues and exchanges between the international and local film industry workers.


Industry Forum

International industry representatives and local guests will be invited to discuss the current global trends and developments in the independent filmmaking market.


Filmmakers@HK in Focus

The ECG will introduce and promote local emerging film talents and their works to international industry representatives, bringing promising new blood in Hong Kong to the international stage.


2023 Event Highlight

The first edition of ECG took place from 14th to 18th June 2023 at Eaton HK and Broadway Cinematheque, with all the lovely filmmakers and industry delegates from local and global supporting the International Pitching Forum, Eye Catcher Showcase, Industry Forums and Filmmakers@HK in Focus! Let’s revive these valuable moments together!

首屆Eye Catcher Global於2023年6月14至18日,假香港逸東酒店及百老匯電影中心舉行!為期5天的活動中,來自世界各地電影人及行內人士,在國際提案大會、奪目影映、產業論壇及奪目有請:香港焦點影人互相交流。立即與我們一起重溫這些難忘時刻!