Incubation Pitching

Selected film projects will have 15 minutes each to pitch their projects. Each pitch consists of a 7-minute presentation (including video-playing) and an 8-minute Q&A. Through Incubation Pitching, selected film projects will practice pitching skills and will be eligible to compete for the entry to the International Pitching Forum of Eye Catcher Global.

每組影像單位上台進行15分鐘提案,包括7分鐘項目介紹(已包含現場演講及影片播放時間)與不多於8分鐘問答環節。加強提案實戰技巧,競逐入圍 Eye Catcher Global 國際提案大會。

Incubation Programme 2023/24 Selected and Awarded Projects 孵化計劃 2023/24 入圍及得獎項目
More about Incubation Programme 孵化計劃詳情