Incubation Programme 23/24- Pitching Workshop: Audience Design & Pitching Skills
孵化計劃23/24- 提案工作坊:觀眾設計及提案策略經驗談


Date: 3 February, 2024 (Sat)
Catherine Chan | Independent Producer
Ka-ki Wong | Director & Producer

Coming to the last workshop on pitching in the Incubation Programme 2023/24, we invited Catherine Chan, an independent producer on documentary and audience designer, and Ka-ki Wong, an independent director who won the Eye Catcher Grand Award in the 1st and 2nd edition of the Internation Pitching Forum, to share their experiences and strategies on pitching online.

The film industry is a relatively mature industry, and making a film is a process of turning ideas into reality. Pitching is under the circumstance of knowing the rules, and using different packages to clearly tell our stories. Various pitching platforms and forums are not only about fund-raising, but also an excellent opportunity to connect with different filmmakers, industry delegates and your potential crew. It is important to have a clear goal, to be absolutely honest with yourself, and to adjust your expectations and attitude when facing every amendment of your project material… After all, it is a very long process from idea, production, to distribution and to get your work facing the audience. In situations where you’re in a critical time-crunch – what you want to achieve throughout your work, what kind of reputation you want as a filmmaker, how much you need for your project – here are the 3 most frequently asked goals. Drawing from her experiences on projects she has participated in, Catherine shared her insights with the participants.

“In the end, they actually want to connect with people, rather than to connect with the project itself.” Ka-ki Wong said. Bringing up an additional point, Ka-ki expressed that you really have to be very honest with yourself. Honesty came from your understanding of your own project, including the parts that are still under exploration. Then, people who listen to your pitch will have the opportunity to understand, by understanding more about your project, you gain the chance to convince them to join your project, grasp every chance to connect with these people. On these occasions, for sure there will be all kinds of people who feel your project in different ways, some might lean toward the text to understand your intentions, and some are easily moved by the image itself. As Catherine mentioned prior, each application involved a period of revision, transformation and reprocessing of your project – to the point where you should also familiarise yourself with the industry delegates in advance – this process allowed you to achieve twice the result with half the effort when conveying your project and sharing your story.



來到今屆孵化計劃2023/24最後階段的提案工作坊,就著觀眾設計及提案策略,是次工作坊邀請到獨立紀錄片監製及觀眾策略師陳芷琪(Catherine CHAN),以及獲得第一屆及第二屆奪目影像國際提案大會「奪目大獎」的獨立導演黃嘉祺(Ka-ki),線上分享相關的提案經驗。

電影作為一個環境比較成熟的工業,拍電影又是一個要把點子變成真實的過程;提案,就是在知悉遊戲規則的情況下,用不同的「包裝」,有策略地向不同人講我們想拍的故事。創投及提案大會等等的平台,除了募集資金,也是與不同影人、行內專業人士和團隊連結的大好機會。有清晰的目標,以及對自己的絕對誠實,不斷調整心態去應對每次的項目資料修改⋯⋯這些都很重要,畢竟從點子、拍攝到發行,每部作品能夠得以面世,是個非常漫長的過程。在那爭分奪秒的場合和環境當中——作品想要達到的某個效果、影人想要的「聲望」、想要募集的資金——是最常被問及的三個目標,Catherine 透過自己參與的項目,與學員們分享。
