As an ASC Heritage Award Nominee, Film Independent Project Involve Cinematography Fellow and International Collective of Female Cinematographers (ICFC) Member, Becky CHEN seeks to capture the most intimate stories with her lens. Her films were screened at 100+ international film festivals, many of them are available on Apple TV, Amazon, and BET+.
陳百匯致力於用鏡頭捕捉最真摯的情感。她曾獲美國電影攝影師協會傳承獎提名,入選獨立電影協會多元影人計劃,亦是國際女攝影師協會成員。她的劇情及紀錄作品共在百餘個國際電影節中展映,並在Apple TV、Amazon、BET+等平台播放。