Aditya ASSARAT is a writer, director, and producer from Thailand. His feature films include Hi-So and Wonderful Town, which won the New Currents Award from Busan and the VPRO Tiger Award from Rotterdam. His most recent film, Ten Years Thailand, which he produced and co-directed, premiered in Cannes. In addition to his own films, Aditya has also produced the films of younger Thai directors such as Eternity by Sivaroj Kongsakul, which won the VPRO Tiger Award from Rotterdam, Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy by Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit, which premiered in Venice and W by Chonlasit Upanigkit, which premiered in Busan. Finally, Aditya is also the director of Purin Pictures, a non-profit foundation based in Bangkok that supports Southeast Asian cinema.
泰國編劇、導演及製片人。劇情長片包括《愛情需要翻譯》和《奇妙小鎮》(釜山電影節新浪潮獎;鹿特丹電影節金虎獎);於最新電影作品《十年泰國》(康城影展首映)中擔任監製和聯合導演。他亦參與多位年輕泰國導演作品的製作,包括Sivaroj Kongsakul的《永恆》(鹿特丹電影節金虎獎)、Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit的《瑪麗真快樂》(威尼斯電影節首映)和Chonlasit Upanigki的《W》(釜山電影節首映)。他同時也是曼谷非營利機構 Purin Pictures總監,致力於推動東南亞電影的發展。
Aditya ASSARAT 阿狄阿薩拉
Thailand | Purin Pictures