Ash HOYLE is a features Programmer at the Sundance Film Festival. He focuses on both fiction, nonfiction, and Midnight. He has previously worked at Sundance as an Associate Programmer for shorts and features and to support Director of Programming, Kim YUTANI. Ash has also worked as the Director of Programming of Damn These Heels Film Festival, run by the Utah Film Center, as well as a Senior Programmer at Outfest Los Angeles and a Programmer at Palm Springs Shorts Fest. Ash is a 2021 Project Involve Fellow on Film Independent’s programming track and has also been involved in programming, NewFest NY, Sun Valley Film Festival, Overlook Film Festival, and AFI Fest and worked in production at ABC, Mssng Peces, and The Annoyance Theater. Ash is originally from Philadelphia, PA and holds a dual degree in Film & English from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY.
現為辛丹斯電影節的劇情長片節目策劃,負責劇情片、非劇情片及辛丹斯Midnight策展,曾協助節目總監Kim Yutani在辛丹斯擔任短片和長片的助理節目統籌。Ash亦擔任Damn These Heels Film Festival的節目總監、洛杉磯Outfest電影節的高級節目統籌及棕櫚泉國際短片電影節的節目統籌。曾參與美國多個電影節的策劃,並在ABC、Mssng Peces和The Annoyance Theater等公司參與製作。Ash來自費城,畢業於紐約州波啟浦夕市的瓦薩爾學院電影及英語雙學位。
Ash HOYLE 阿什・霍伊爾
United States | The Sundance Institute