TSANG Hing Weng Eric is a Hong Kong-based filmmaker and artist, and author of Tales of Honey: A Collection of Interviews with Post-80s Directors from the Greater China (2015). Eric’s debut feature film Hong Kong Family (2022) premiered in Busan International Film Festival. Eric’s short films have been selected by four Oscars-Qualifying film festivals so far including A Thousand Sails (2019) which was selected by Sundance Film Festival. Another short film The Umbrella (2018) earned several awards including the Edward Snowden Award at the 17th Festival International Signes de Nuit – Paris and Fresh Wave Award in Hong Kong. Eric co-founded Eye Catcher with Renaissance Foundation Hong Kong in recent years in order to promote independent filmmaking among Hong Kong young moving image creators through creative camps, workshops, pitching forums, etc.
電影導演、作家、奪目影像創意總監,有著作《蜜糖不壞:華語80後導演訪談》。導演作品《過時•過節》(2022)為第五屆首部劇情電影計劃得獎項目,於釜山國際電影節世界首映。劇情短片曾入圍Sundance Film Festival等四個獲奧斯卡競賽資格的國際電影節,並獲頒MFW峇里國際短片節2020年度最佳短片 、鮮浪潮大獎及第六屆張國興傑出青年傳播人獎等殊榮。
TSANG Hing Weng Eric 曾慶宏
Hong Kong