Photo Credit: The Directors’ Fortnight (

A graduate of La Fémis and ESCP, Julien REJL was in charge of distribution, acquisitions and international sales at Capricci from 2010 to 2020. He has worked with filmmakers such as Abel FERRARA, HONG Sangsoo, Albert SERRA, WANG Bing, TSAÏ Ming-Liang, Philippe GARREL, Monte HELLMAN, Corneliu PORUMBOIU, Jean-Charles HUE and has distributed the first films of Just PHILIPPOT (The Swarm), Vincent LE PORT (Bruno Reidal), Frank BEAUVAIS (Just don’t think I’ll scream), Rachida BRAKNI (Visiting Ours) and BI Gan (Kaili Blues). He has also developed an editorial line-up around cinephilia by orchestrating the theatrical release of restored masterpieces from Jean-Luc GODARD, Kenji MIZOGUCHI, Jean-Marie STRAUB and Danièle HUILLET, Ingmar BERGMAN, Maurice PIALAT, David LYNCH and David CRONENBERG.
As a critic for Sofilm, he was the programmer and artistic director of the festival created by the cinema magazine between 2015 and 2019. For several years, he coordinated the editorial direction of several books on cinema. He is currently supervising a project for a complete collection of Chantal AKERMAN’s films in partnership with the Chantal Akerman Foundation and the Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique.
In June 2022, he was appointed Artistic Director of the Directors’ Fortnight by the SRF.

朱利安雷傑畢業於享負盛名的法國電影學院La Fémis及歐洲高等商學院,2010至2020年期間負責法國電影公司Capricci的發行、採購和國際銷售業務。他曾與多位知名電影創作人合作,包括阿伯費拉拿(Abel FERRARA)、洪尚秀、阿爾拔塞拉(Albert SERRA)、王兵、蔡明亮、菲臘加維爾(Philippe GARREL)、蒙特赫爾曼(Monte HELLMAN)、康尼流波蘭布爾(Corneliu PORUMBOIU),及尚查爾斯休(Jean-Charles HUE)等。他亦發行了多位導演的首部作品,包括賈斯特菲力柏特(Just PHILIPPOT )的《嗜血之蝗》(The Swarm)、雲信勒波爾(Vincent LE PORT)的《魔童殺人自白書》(Bruno Reidal)、弗蘭博韋(Frank BEAUVAIS)的《別以為我會尖叫》 (Just don’t think I’ll scream)、拉奇妲布拉克尼(Rachida BRAKNI)的《Visiting Ours》,及畢贛的《路邊野餐》。 此外,他曾策劃了多部經典電影的修復版公映場,包括尚盧高達(Jean-Luc GODARD)、溝口健二、史特勞普(Jean-Marie STRAUB)和雨葉(Danièle HUILLET)、英瑪褒曼(Ingmar BERGMAN)、莫里斯皮亞勒(Maurice PIALAT)、大衛連治(David LYNCH),及大衛哥連堡(David CRONENBERG)等多位名導的作品。
2015至2019年,雷傑為法國電影雜誌Sofilm旗下的影評人,同時為該雜誌主辦的電影節擔任節目策展及藝術總監。多年來,他曾編輯多本電影相關書籍,目前正與桑堤艾格曼(Chantal AKERMAN)基金會和比利時皇家電影資料館合作,監督桑堤艾格曼電影作品全集的計畫。

Julien REJL 朱利安雷傑

France | Director’s Fortnight by the SRF