Born in Bondowoso, a small town in East Java province, Indonesia. Kiki began her interest in film at an early years while visiting the old cinema building in her hometown. Kiki taught herself filmmaking and participated in a couple of workshops. She has directed four documentary films: Don’t Call Me Crazy! (2008), Yup… It’s My Body! (2010), The Wizard of Canberra (2015), Calalai In-Betweenness (2015) and several short videos.
出生於印尼東爪哇省的小鎮邦多沃索。從小對電影產生濃厚興趣,並在故鄉的老戲院裡開始接觸電影。透過自學及參與工作坊等形式,開始鑽研影像製作,至今已完成四部紀錄片,包括:Don’t Call Me Crazy! (2008)、Yup… It’s My Body! (2010)、The Wizard of Canberra (2015)和《帢拉萊:性別萬花筒》(Calalai In-Betweenness) (2015),並拍攝多部短片作品。
Kiki FEBRIYANTI 琪琪・費布里揚蒂