An award-winning filmmaker from Nepal, Min Bahadur BHAM graduated in Filmmaking and Literature. He has a master degree in Buddhist Philosophy and Political Science. His short film The Flute (2012) was the first Nepalese film presented at the Venice Film Festival. He was a participant of Berlinale Talent Campus 2013, Asian Film Academy 2013, awarded the Fellowship Award. His directorial debut The Black Hen (2015) is the first feature film of Nepal presented in Venice Critics Week and awarded with FEDEORA Best Film Award. Also it was an official entry from Nepal to Oscar for the category of Best Foreign Language Film 2016. Currently, he is preparing his second feature film, A Year of Cold that was developed at Cinéfondation Residence, Festival de Cannes, Torino Film Lab, and Golden Horse (FPP).
尼泊爾導演,主修電影製作和文學專業,佛學及政治學碩士。短片The Flute為首部在威尼斯電影節展映的尼泊爾電影;他曾參加2013年柏林新銳營和釜山國際電影節亞洲電影學院。首部長片《小兄弟尋雞記》(威尼斯國際影評人週:FEDEORA最佳電影獎)為2016年奧斯卡最佳外語片尼泊爾官方入圍影片。現正籌備自己的第二部長片A Year of Cold,該片曾參與康城電影節Cinéfondation寫作駐村計劃、都靈電影實驗室及金馬創投。
Min Bahadur BHAM 敏巴哈杜爾巴姆