Words from the Creative Director

“Capture your Dream, Inspire the Realm.” I have set the question to myself as the slogan of the first Eye Catcher International Pitching Forum. In the past two years, despite boundless creativity, the rampant pandemic was truly an obstacle to media production. During my first feature film production being set aside, we decided to launch the Eye Catcher Incubation Programme, which had been groomed for years.

2022 is the tenth year since my university graduation. I can remember nothing but a sense of ignorance to go for independent production out of my empty hands when I left the Ch’ien Mu Library. In a desperate search for the truth, I visited numerous places. They are the amazing Sundance, the unseen Chinese face in a small town in Southern Italy, the enthusiastic crowd participation on the train, the once for all underground film screening. The mosquitos in an Indonesian hostel, the sickening beer in Mumbai, all represent my gratefulness to the independent curators and producers whom I have met in the past ten years.

Even though I am a newbie in this area, doesn’t the world exist for possibilities? If I can excel at the importance of idea refinement, why don’t we learn from each other with our fellow counterparts? Naming the Eye Catcher Incubation Programme this year as “Where Imagination transcends the Screen” was to encourage trials that are out of the box. Despite the overwhelming stigmatisation of production genres generalised and simplified into merely a hashtag, as media producers, we should be open-minded and insist on our independent production without hesitation.

Finally, I must thank all my fellow predecessors and friends who participated wholeheartedly in the programme at my invitation this year. My humble piece Tales of Honey: A Collection of Interviews with Post-80s Directors from the Greater China was launched in 2015 and its editor Samuel is my perfect partner for curating the Eye Catcher Incubation Programme. Sending my best wishes that this project will be as unfading as honey, this marks the prologue.

TSANG Hing Weng, Eric 

Director, Creative Director – Eye Catcher


我在這個領域的經驗尚淺,可是世界不就是為了可能性而存在嗎?若然我可以靠100次申請學會了提煉意念的重要, 同時一定有很多同路人正在做這種事,我們何不多砥礪切磋? 想到以「超越銀幕的廠牌想像」命名今年奪目影像的廠牌計劃,正正希望鼓勵更多跳出框架的嘗試。什麼類型現在都淪為了hashtag一個,殊途同歸,我們作為影像創作者,尤其是仍義無反顧地走獨立創作路的,更應該開放地走下去。


