Purin Pictures

Purin Pictures is a film fund that supports independent cinema in Southeast Asia.  Started in 2017 under the Purin Foundation, we look for artists and organisations that are doing unique and essential work in a region that lacks adequate governmental support. Managed by Anocha Suwichakornpong and Aditya Assarat, our funding programs cover film production, film post-production, and film-related activities.

Purin Pictures是一個電影基金,旨在支持東南亞獨立電影。成立於2017年,隸屬於Purin基金會,目標在於發掘政府資源支持不足的地區的藝術家和組織。由安諾查・蘇維查康彭和阿狄阿薩拉管理,基金的資助計劃涵蓋電影製作、後期製作和以及各種與電影相關的活動。
