Eye Catcher Showcase 2023 Beauty That Emerges from Tragedy
奪目展映2023 劫後的無限風光

Beauty That Emerges from Tragedy

Date: 17 June 2023 (Sat)

Venue: Broadway Cinematheque

@Eye Catcher Global 2023

Post-Screening Talk Guest: Aditya ASSARAT

Moderator: Jun LI

We were very honoured to have a screening of Aditya ASSARAT’s debut feature Wonderful Town during the Eye Catcher Showcase, and to have Director Aditya and moderator Jun LI during the post-screening talk.

Wonderful Town was made in 2006, right after the tsunami of 2004. Due to the cancellation of a project, Dir. Aditya and his crew passed through a small town in Thailand named Pha Ngan, where the tsunami hit the worst. Although the whole town was cleaned up already, visitors could barely tell that anything had happened there, the people who lived there had not really moved on from the tragedy yet. When talking to them, the director also started to have the idea of putting such a state of living into a film. As an independent filmmaker who always had no budget, things just happened by coincidence. When they took a rest and walked around a hotel, the idea of a love story popped up, where later on the hotel also became the major shooting site.

Besides the discussion on Wonderful Town, they also shared and exchanged their experiences of working in the role of producer and director receptively. “As a director, you can never look at it with objective eyes. As a producer, you can.” Aditya mentioned that these 2 roles look at the film in a different way. For example, when they sit in the editing room trying to cut things out from the director’s work, the director would always think the length is perfect. One can only edit other’s films as directors can’t see the whole picture of your own work but only what they want to see.




@Eye Catcher Global 2023




