Date: 19th – 20th November, 2022
Mentor (in alphabetical order): David Chan, Rex Ren, Tsang Siu Wang Eric, Mary Shuk Han Wong , Joyce Yang
@Incubation 2022
The guest speakers of the last two storytelling workshops included a director, a film critic, a writer, a lecturer, and a movie-goer, who analysed how directors link their minds to their stories.
In addition to one-on-one consultations, there was a sharing session on Lee Chang-dong’s narrative techniques and aesthetics in his short stories and films. His collections of stories, Soji and Nokcheon Has Fields of Shit, intensely echo his film Burning. To narrate the pain that can’t be relieved, the personal stories the characters dared not face, and those that the characters incessantly pursue but never reach, Lee Chang-dong often starts by creating suspense, moves the story forward through the characters, and invites us to feel the pain through the final plot twist. These are the pain, absurdity, and drama in everyday life.
When there are people, there must be stories. All plots and dramas are built on characters. Before and after we view the scenes, the characters already have their personalities. A character’s life goes on outside the lens. At this level, the speakers reminded us that we might as well be cruel and honest to our own characters; we need not worry whether or not they are pleasing others; we need not provide a solution to their crumbling life. In so doing, the story would be more charming and attractive to us.
日期:2022年11月19 – 20日
@廠牌計劃 2022