Minikino Film Week 9 (MFW9)
Date: 15 – 23 September 2023
Venues: Pool Cinema @The Rooms, Mash Denpasar, Living Room (Festival Lounge), Irama Indah Minihall, UMA Seminyak, Cush Cush Gallery – Main Gallery, Café Teduh and more
It’s been a fruitful and remarkable week! Thank you Minikino Film Week 9: Bali International Short Film Festival for inviting Eye Catcher, and for all the wonderful arrangements!
Those screenings of short films located in different spots gave us many inspirations. Regarding their genres, from drama, thriller, animation, documentary, experimental and more, we experienced the varies in culture, issues and themes all around the world. The way they created and the way Minikino curated the screenings were both full of possibilities and potentials.
Besides screenings, we also went to the Real Speed Dates on project pitching, as well as the Forum: Decolonizing Short Film Ethics for a free flow and enjoyable discussion and exchange on the Code of Ethics from the Short Film Conference, and explored with the future short film markets.
For sure we are not leaving those incredible moments during Happy Hours, after screenings, on the road and so on. It’s precious to meet all the young filmmakers with limitless ideas, passionate and caring hearts, who always strive for their best for the next film, who touched the softest part of our heart, and inspired us to rethink a lot more about our creations, curations, movies and ourselves.
Till next time we meet again!!

Minikino Film Week 9 (MFW9)
地點:Pool Cinema @The Rooms, Mash Denpasar, Living Room (Festival Lounge), Irama Indah Minihall, UMA Seminyak, Cush Cush Gallery – Main Gallery, Café Teduh及其他
感謝Minikino Film Week 9邀請奪目影像到峇里島參加今年第九屆的峇里島國際短片節!這個9月,伴隨夏日的海風和陽光,電影、音樂和交流,我們也經歷了一趟豐盛、難忘的旅程。
除此之外,我們亦參與了Real Speed Dates 當中的短片項目提案,以及Forum: Decolonizing Short Film Ethics。有幸參與這難得的場合,一起討論短片拍攝的歷史和未來走向。
當然,每天下午的Happy Hours,放映後、餐桌上、一路上等等的討論,無一不珍貴。每一位有緣遇見的年輕影人,他們無盡的創作想法、那些溫暖而善良的心、那些為了電影的竭盡全力,讓人為之動容。在這些討論與切磋中,也讓我們重新思考,關於創作、關於電影、關於策劃、以及關於我們自身。