YEUNG Leung Chuen 楊兩全

YEUNG graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in Journalism and Communication. He won Best Director at Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival with The Bridge. His scriptwriting work Liu Yang He and Wild Child were awarded Best Picture at Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, and Dark Room was selected at Locarno Film Festival for Academy screenings. His scriptwriting

HO Yuk Fai 何旭輝

HO graduated from The School of Film and Television at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a major in Cinematography. He was the executive producer of the Radio Television Hong Kong drama series Find Me Guilty.In 2022, HO made his debut as a co-cinematographer on the feature film Fly Me To The Moon. His previous

CHOU Tseng Chen 周增晟

Graduated from University of California, Santa Barbara and joined Taiwan film industry, focusing on international affairs, sales & acquisitions, and project consulting. He co-produced Get the Hell Out, a selection of Toronto International Film Festival in 2020. In recent years, he has actively participated in independent productions, assisting works officially selected in The Golden Horse

WONG Wan Sze 王韻詩

WONG has produced and directed numerous productions since 2011. Her works are gender-diverse. French-Hong Kong actor Sony CHAN was cast in the lead role in Alpha Maria (2019), the first Hong Kong TV drama to feature a transgender actor, which sparked media interest; her film project Love to Bits (2020), was selected for HAF 2021.

LEUNG Kin Pong 梁健邦

Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. LEUNG's first short, Little by Little, won the Best Feature (Short Film) Award at Monterrey International Film Festival in Mexico. His first TV drama Alpha Maria (2019), was selected as the only drama production to represent Hong Kong at INternational PUblic Television Screening Conference (INPUT). 先後於香港演藝學院電影電視導演系畢業,在學首部短片《井裡的時光》即獲墨西哥蒙特雷國際電影節最佳劇情短片大獎,2019年導演首部電視劇《萬輻瑪利亞》,成唯一香港作品入選

YEUNG Sharon 楊曉芙

A Canadian-Hong Kong director-producer. Her recent immersive work MADE: meet me at the end of the assembly line, is a VR doc that follows an iPhone factory worker in China. Her current feature doc has been funded by Chicken & Egg, and pitched at CPH:DOX, IDFA, Sheffield and Sundance.  香港導演和監製。近期作品《MADE: meet me at the end

HUI Felix Christopher 許天樂

HUI is an aspiring queer filmmaker with a passion for presenting a nuanced perspective on the oppressed identities. His recent work, Our imagined future - if someone sees this after we are dead, has been archived at Goethe-Institut, a documentary short about unwanted voices from within pro-democracy movements. 積極追求細膩呈現被壓迫者之多元面貌的酷兒電影製作人。他最近的紀錄短片《我們想像的未來 - 這些死後才可放映的錄像》備受認可並被收錄於歌德學院,記錄民主運動中被排拒的聲音。

CHEUNG Lee Hung, Holmes 張利雄

CHEUNG is a freelance actor, dancer, choreographer and graphic designer. With a unique perspective as both a designer and a performer, he actively participates in and creates a wide variety of theatre performances and experimental projects, exploring the intersections of theatre, dance, and movement. 現為自由身演員、舞者、編舞及平面設計師。以多種身份和眼光探索劇場及表演藝術,近年積極投入創作及策劃各類型藝術表演及活動。

WONG John 黃榮俊

A post-90s Macao director who graduated from the Department of Communications Design at Shih Chien University in Taiwan. WONG's latest work MUI (2021) was awarded Original Prize in Horizon Competition at the 2022 Paris International Animation Film Festival, and Best Animation Short Film at Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival etc. 畢業於實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系。作品《梅婆》獲巴黎國際動畫節地平線競賽「原創獎」,洛桑地下錄像與音樂節「最佳動畫短片獎」等多個獎項。

SO Ka Ue 蘇家榆

Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. SO worked for Oscar-winning filmmaker Ruby YANG as an editing assistant for In Search Of Perfect Consonances and Ritoma, and as an editor for China's Forgotten Daughters. Her works also include Dong Pui Sun And Me and the post-production of Helios, Trivisa, Three and Anita. 畢業於香港演藝電影電視學院。曾擔任奧斯卡得獎導演楊紫燁《尋找完美第五度》