Incubation Programme 23/24: Public Talk ② Environmental Documentary
孵化計劃23/24:公開講座 ② 生態紀實

Our Mountains and Our Rivers: Nature Through a Native Lens Date: 21 September 2023 (Thur)Time: 20:00 – 21:30Venue: H6 CONET (Large Multi-Function Room BEF)Moderator:Fredie CHAN Ho Lun (Director, Rhymes of Shui Hau and The FIsherman’s Discourse)Guests:MA Chi Hang (Director, Ballad on the Shore, Online Participation)Daphne WONG (Director, Breathing Room) The 3rd edition of the Eye Catcher Incubation Programme 23/24 has

Eye Catcher Showcase 2023 Red Dragonflies: A Fiery Passion of Youth
奪目展映2023 紅蜻蜓的青春火花

Red Dragonflies: A Fiery Passion of Youth Date: 16 June 2023 (Fri) Venue: Broadway Cinematheque @Eye Catcher Global 2023 Post-Screening Talk Guest: LIAO Jiekai Moderator: Jun LI During the post-screening talk, we had the Singaporean filmmaker, artist and educator based in Singapore and Tokyo, as well as the director of Red Dragonflies, LIAO Jiekai, together

Supporting HK Young Filmmakers to Platform BUSAN during BIFF 2023
奪目影像伙拍Platform BUSAN資助香港青年導演前往釜山交流

Supporting HK Young Filmmakers to Platform BUSAN during BIFF 2023 *Thumbnail photo reposted from and credit belongs to Asian Contents & Film Market. Date: 7 – 10 October 2023 Eye Catcher was glad to partner with Platform BUSAN in 2023 and support 2 Eye Catcher alumni to Busan for networking and exchange! Organised by Busan

Incubation Programme 23/24: Public Talk ① Literary Adaptation
孵化計劃23/24:公開講座 ① 文學改編

Transcending Text: The Past and The Future of Film Adaptation Date: 20 September 2023 (Wed)Time: 20:00 – 21:30Venue: H6 CONET (Large Multi-Function Room ACD)Moderator:Joyce YANG (Film Critic, Member of Hong Kong Film Critics Society)Guests:HONG Heng Fai (Director, Kissing the Ground You Walked On)Dr. LI Mei Ting (Lecturer, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK) The 3rd

Trip to Minikino Film Week 9: Bali International Short Film Festival

Minikino Film Week 9 (MFW9) Date: 15 - 23 September 2023 Venues: Pool Cinema @The Rooms, Mash Denpasar, Living Room (Festival Lounge), Irama Indah Minihall, UMA Seminyak, Cush Cush Gallery - Main Gallery, Café Teduh and more It’s been a fruitful and remarkable week! Thank you Minikino Film Week 9: Bali International Short Film Festival

Eye Catcher 2023/24 Open Call for Entries

Lights, Camera, Action!  Having garnered valuable experience from the previous years, we are setting new goals and bringing in exciting changes to our upcoming Eye Catcher Incubation Programme and Eye Catcher Global 2024. Eye Catcher strives to continue our support to independent filmmakers in Hong Kong and be a catalyst to innovative and original moving


不拍不合! 總結首兩屆經驗,今屆「奪目影像孵化計劃」及「Eye Catcher Global 2024」將有新改變、新搞作!奪目影像願作小小槓桿,繼續催生更多香港影像項目,助力本地獨立影像創作人走向國際。 第一階段,通過為期4個月的「奪目影像孵化計劃」,為入選影像單位及其影像項目,提供從創作、製作至提案的培訓及指導工作坊。本年度之孵化計劃分為文學改編、生態紀實、無限創意3個組別,公開招募12組影像單位。入選項目可競逐「點子計劃」短片資助共4個名額(每部最高港幣10萬元),及「Eye Catcher Global 2024」之國際提案大會入圍名額。 第二階段,來年夏季舉行之「Eye Catcher Global 2024」將繼續立足香港、連結國際。透過公開徵集,入選影像項目將參與國際提案大會,與國際及本地業界代表交流,角逐獎金資助。同時亦會舉行一系列產業活動,為影像創作人打造專屬交流平台,助其走得更遠。敬請期待! 奪目影像孵化計劃2023/24計劃內容 2023年11月 - 2024年2月(活動時間以週末為主) 創作工作坊 製作工作坊 提案工作坊 導師計劃 孵化計劃提案日 「點子計劃」(短片資助) 計劃組別 ① 文學改編 導師:孔慶輝 文學與電影,各有其獨特的語言,又互相影響、互為啟發,不拍不合。由文學作品改編為電影,通行國際為何卻在本地語境相對少見?奪目致力跨界合作,催生文學改編的影像創作。 本屆孵化計劃向香港作家陳冠中先生致敬,影像單位可從已獲陳冠中授權作品《香港三部曲》(2013年增訂版) 中選取文本,通過改編創作短片。改編形式可包括但不限於情節變奏、提取人物或主題原型加入個人風格等,以電影語言為文學作品賦予新的解讀。現正公開徵集影像項目,等待你用影像詮釋、轉化、再演繹,為香港的文學作品重賦全新意義! 改編文本 - 陳冠中《香港三部曲》(2013年增訂版) :1. 《夜宴驚歲記》2. 《淺水灣(太陽膏的夢)》3. 《什麼都沒有發生》4. 《金都茶餐廳》5. 《被書掟中頭部的一天》 ② 生態紀實 導師:陳浩倫 香港的山水島嶼、人文方物、乃至動物植物,獨特而無可取代,同時亦印證着歷史和當下的變遷。香港的生態太少被鏡頭拍下,背後的故事也未曾被好好述說;香港的生態及人文故事在歷經轉變的當下,更值得我們認真觀察、好好紀錄。 本屆奪目計劃將目光投向生態紀實。影像單位可循生態環境、氣候變遷、土地關懷或更多其他待發掘之生態議題為主題,用影像激發同理心,重扣人文生態,推動改變。 ③ 無限創意 導師:(將根據入選影像項目進行配對) 作為香港的一分子,面對大變局,有甚麼故事一直繞在你心頭、不得不講?無限創意的影像創作,可以根據個人故事、真實事件創作,或從日常中重塑,更可以跨越類型、挑戰實驗性⋯⋯報名無限創意組,打破題材、類型及長度等的界限,追求超越銀幕的創意展現! *3個組別均不設長度限制。詳見下文「報名須知」。 完成計劃後之機會 3個組別之影像項目,不論長短,均可通過孵化計劃提案日,競逐入圍「Eye Catcher Global 2024」國際提案大會。 3個組別之短片項目,完善製作計劃後可競逐「點子計劃」短片資助,爭取每部港幣最高10萬元的製作資金,共4個名額。a)

LAM Nora 林子穎

Graduated from University of Hong Kong with a degree in comparative literature and French, Nora LAM‘s career started in 2014, making documentaries on political movements in Hong Kong. Her award-winning feature documentary Lost in the Fumes (2017) entered dozens of international film festivals, such as International Film Festival Rotterdam, and won international awards. Her first romantic comedy